It’s like this now.
Whatever is here in your awareness or in your body demands to be felt. Don’t create more of it by thinking too much — whatever is here is enough. Feel it so that it may move through.
If you are feeling it, it is because you are ready to be. Even if you don’t want to, even if it is hard. The only way out is through, so go through.
It’s like this now.
My brother broke (shattered) his arm a few months ago and handled it remarkably well — he says he’s practicing radical acceptance. He fully accepted that his arm was so broken for so long, and that there were now uncontrollable limitations in his life. This allowed him to work with the pain and let it guide him, rather than resist and create more of it.
There is always a necessary amount of pain and loss you have to feel in order to heal. Resisting truth creates more pain than needs to be there.
The less you resist what is, the more clearly you can hear your intuition providing you with the next step. The universe wants you to be bigger and brighter — don’t keep yourself from the expansion by prolonging the hard parts of your growth. Accept whatever is hard right now, exactly as it is.
It’s like this now, ok.
Everything that has happened so far in your life has brought you to the moment in front of you. Accept that. Move with that. You are perfectly equipped to deal with this moment.
If we do the work to surrender — which simply means to allow what is true to be true, and not try to force things to be different than they are — life can happen with less resistance. With less suffering. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, as (I think) the Buddha said.
As we know, as soon as you accept the way things are, things can change. Be with the changes as they come. Maybe it will all be different tomorrow. Or, it won’t. You can allow for things to change, because they will, but don’t cling to this as a way to escape feeling what is here. Feel what is here so you can get to what is there, and by the time that moment comes, you will be ready for it.
When you choose to accept what is and feel what is here, you then have the opportunity to move forward with more wisdom, more love, more trust in your heart. And this wise heart of yours will never lead you into something you cannot handle.
Go gently. Soften.
And be kind.
xx, maggie