I’m no longer in the business of forcing myself to do things I don’t wanna do. That’s why I wait so long to make commitments — I don’t want to rush into something without being clear and then cancel because my body just won’t let me do it. I love having plans! I love making commitments! I love living in this world and having relationships! And, not everything has to be done right now, not every experience is going to serve me, and not every opportunity that is presented to me is right for me. Waiting until I know what I want allows people to trust that my yes actually means yes.
You don’t have to know until you’re supposed to.
There’s really no rush to know things. And, you simply cannot know the answer until you do.
Again and again, life is showing me that I can indeed trust that when it’s time to know, I will know. And then, I can take the most aligned action.
I am learning to sit with and welcome uncertainty. Uncertainty on its own is not ‘bad’ — it’s the fear that comes along with it that gets us all flustered. Uncertainty just means that clarity has not come yet, and that’s ok. Why have we been so conditioned to believe that we are entitled to certainty? Even if your plan is so clear, anything could happen to ruin it at a moment’s notice. If there’s anything the last 2.5 years have shown us, it’s that nothing is certain and most of life is out of our control.
Maybe you don’t have to know yet. Maybe the timing isn’t right. Maybe it will happen, maybe it won’t.
In trying to think about and pre-feel all the possibilities, I’ve created scenarios to be upset about that don’t even happen. In an effort to ‘stay prepared’, my mind constructs plans as a way to placate the fear of what could potentially be upsetting in the future. And in the process, I miss out on the life that is actually happening now.
Trying to know things before they are ready to be known is a waste of time and energy. Will I be fired at the end of the summer? Will it be awkward if I run into that person? Will I be sick next weekend? Will I say yes to this amazing opportunity in November?
Could be, wait and see. If and when these situations come up, they will certainly be solved.
I’m moving in a month and I’ve decided to take it as easefully as possible. It’s not gonna happen until it does. I won’t clean out my closet until I feel like it. It will get done, because it has to, but it doesn’t have to get done until I do it.
Every time I start to spin out about the Future, I try to look at what my thoughts are actually saying. There is a deeper feeling, always, that the mind tries to cover up with plans and solutions. This deeper feeling — usually fear —just needs to be acknowledged and set free. It does not need to swallow you. Frenzied decision making often comes from a place of fear, of “I need this now, otherwise I might lose it, otherwise they might leave, otherwise I’ll be sad.”
Clarity cannot be found, it can only arrive. When we try to rush clarity, or try to force ourselves into things that don’t feel quite right, we lose out on the possibility of attuning to our body’s wisdom and aligning with our most true and beautiful path.
For me, feeling absolutely certain about something is a sign that I’m actually not clear about it yet. Certainty implies control and attachment, which comes from the mind. Clarity feels more like trust and openness, and comes from the body.
Whatever is supposed to happen will make its way to the front and life will find a way to make it happen.
What if we trusted our bodies and their timing? What if we took the ‘ehh, idk’ feeling as clarity that we don’t have clarity yet? How bombastically would we launch into living with more peace and more joy?
If it’s going to happen, it will. If it isn’t, it won’t.
What a relief!
xx, maggie
Clarity cannot be found, it can only arrive.