Hi! I’m Maggie, a realist and a dreamer. Welcome to Actual Honesty — a place for people interested in choosing to live as themselves, in the name of love.
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You can expect to read my ever-evolving perspectives on topics I investigate and practices I experiment with.
I’m interested in intellectually honest conversations, and exploring the ideas that create friction. It is only when we look at the uncomfortable, difficult aspects of ourselves or society that anything can begin to change. Questioning where we came from and examining where we are now is the basis for building more connected, supportive communities.
I do not write in stone. My thoughts, opinions, and feelings are always subject to change. I do not pretend to have anything figured out and am wary of anyone who says they do. As I continue to learn and expand my own awareness, my work will reflect those shifts.
May we all make empowered decisions and act in service of a more symbiotic society.
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