It is all okay! But things may not get better and better. Isn't it only our perception of whether things are good or bad that makes them so? I am challenged by trying to step outside of my own story and to accept that things are what they are. That something that I may perceive as 'bad' today I may look back on as 'good' when time has passed. I feel like I used to force myself to feel positive, whereas now I feel rather freed by dealing with what happens in each moment without giving it the label of good or bad. I fail at this often but I do like a challenge!!!

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Mm yes I love this thought. It’s true, sometimes things do get worse and worse. And sometimes they get better. It feels so freeing to just deal with whatever is here, regardless of if it feels “bad” or “good”. I think not attaching to any specific perspective is the key. It keeps changing!!

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The hardest part for me is accepting that I don't have control. My ego is a natural control freak!!! If I can take my ego out of the picture and relinquish the illusion of control then the moment becomes just whatever it is. I thought that would be a bit depressing but I find it frees me. Sometimes there is a bubble of joy or a moment of natural sadness but if I keep my ego story out of it then I can just experience those emotions and let them pass too. Thanks for your wonderful essays Maggie.

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“Everything will be okay when you are okay with everything”. I am going to make a poster of that and put it on my wall. Thank you

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Going to practice your mantra when needed💛

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Love this

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