I like Jen's take here. And I really like this in the context of my meditation practice. My favorite meditation teachers talk of a call to equanimity; a state of 'okayness' in Maggiespeak. Shit will happen, it always does. And when shit happens that we are powerless to control, we need to be aware enough, calm enough, and wise enough, not to resist it. I think everyone could benefit from this message of listening to the body as it communicates to us the extent that we are resisting now or have been storing resistance from the past. Feel it. Sit with it. Let it be and let it go. Thank you.

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Oct 27, 2021Liked by Maggie

this came at a great time for me! I was just recently ignoring my body and Feelings on a particularly busy weekend. Sunday night, I felt that my back was crunched and crooked, and realized how much stress id been holding. So much so that it’s literally changed my posture— W I L D ! I took this as a sign to listen to and care for my body more the next day, and was able to process through a lot of the Things that’d been weighing on me, while simultaneously remedying the back tightness through sitting with my body and listening to what it needed to feel better. Thank you for this dear ✨

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I really really like this one, Maggie. I can relate to it and it makes sense to me! I love your observations on little kids. They just want validation of their feelings—and don’t we all!

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