YES! Oh my gosh, I neeeeded to read this today. I have been feeling this so much lately and have been really trying to stay present. Every day I think about getting rid of my iPhone and getting a landline. But, ya know.

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You are not alone in dreams of a landline 😄

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Love it. The absence of “the thing” really is what shows you how often you’re consumed by it! I remember first deleting social media off of my phone… for quite a few days, my thumb would immediately dart over to its original location on my Home Screen! And then the hours after that I’d find myself saying “well … what should I do now?” 🫣 embarrassing to admit, but a necessary journey into self-humiliation. 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹

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I get it!!! It’s so habitual we don’t even see it until it’s gone.

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